Welcome to the official blog of the "Getting to know each other!" youth exchange. This project is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
sâmbătă, 16 iunie 2018
joi, 14 iunie 2018
luni, 11 iunie 2018
NGO Got Talent Show
Method: presentation
Purpose: knowing the promotors organisations and familiarize themselves with the participants
vineri, 1 iunie 2018
Creative Workshops & Origami Tutorials
Our participants, splited in teams, recieved paper, scissors, glue and all necessary materials and for each country, the representants had to show and teach the others how to make an Origami Handicraft inspired from their national symbols/ cultues.
In this way, all participants were both teachers and students and they had an active participation during the workshop.
After this, at the end of each creative workshop, the participants created a tutorial for each Handicraft.
The Origami handicrafts created during the workshops are the following: Ice-cream (Italian team), Eagle (Polish team), Dracula (Romanian team), Bull (Spanish team), Ship (Greek team), Tulip (Turkish team).
In this way, all participants were both teachers and students and they had an active participation during the workshop.
After this, at the end of each creative workshop, the participants created a tutorial for each Handicraft.
The Origami handicrafts created during the workshops are the following: Ice-cream (Italian team), Eagle (Polish team), Dracula (Romanian team), Bull (Spanish team), Ship (Greek team), Tulip (Turkish team).
vineri, 18 mai 2018
Ti racconto di "Getting to know each other"
In questa articolo ti voglio dare un paio di informazioni su "Getting to know each other", un progetto organizzato dall'associazione rumena Inițiative Sociale a cui ho preso parte.
Si è trattato di uno scambio giovanile di Erasmus+, il programma per l'istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.
Altri progetti che fanno parte di Erasmus+ sono, tra gli altri, il Servizio Volontario Europeo (SVE), i corsi di formazione e l'Erasmus universitario.
Questo programma (Erasmus+) permette ai giovani dell'Unione Europea - e non solo - di studiare, formarsi, acquisire esperienza e fare volontariato all'estero.
Scopri di più cliccando QUI
Lo scambio si è svolto in Romania, nel comune di Horezu dal 25 aprile al 5 maggio 2018. I partecipanti provenivano da Romania, Spagna, Grecia, Polonia, Turchia e, ovviamente, Italia. La tematica era "gli origami come strumento di condivisione delle diverse culture".
Prima dello scambio è stato chiesto ai futuri partecipanti di scegliere un origami che rappresentasse un simbolo del proprio paese, per poi spiegare il procedimento agli altri durante il progetto.
Oltre a questo ci sono stati momenti per visitare Horezu, la città di Sibiu in Transilvania e per conoscere le tradizioni dei paesi di provenienza degli altri partecipanti, durante le serate culturali.
Se vuoi, seguici sulle nostre pagine Facebook e Instagram.
Ecco il risultato di alcuni dei nostri lavori:
In questa articolo ti voglio dare un paio di informazioni su "Getting to know each other", un progetto organizzato dall'associazione rumena Inițiative Sociale a cui ho preso parte.
Si è trattato di uno scambio giovanile di Erasmus+, il programma per l'istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.
Altri progetti che fanno parte di Erasmus+ sono, tra gli altri, il Servizio Volontario Europeo (SVE), i corsi di formazione e l'Erasmus universitario.
Questo programma (Erasmus+) permette ai giovani dell'Unione Europea - e non solo - di studiare, formarsi, acquisire esperienza e fare volontariato all'estero.
Scopri di più cliccando QUI
Lo scambio si è svolto in Romania, nel comune di Horezu dal 25 aprile al 5 maggio 2018. I partecipanti provenivano da Romania, Spagna, Grecia, Polonia, Turchia e, ovviamente, Italia. La tematica era "gli origami come strumento di condivisione delle diverse culture".
Prima dello scambio è stato chiesto ai futuri partecipanti di scegliere un origami che rappresentasse un simbolo del proprio paese, per poi spiegare il procedimento agli altri durante il progetto.
Oltre a questo ci sono stati momenti per visitare Horezu, la città di Sibiu in Transilvania e per conoscere le tradizioni dei paesi di provenienza degli altri partecipanti, durante le serate culturali.
Se vuoi, seguici sulle nostre pagine Facebook e Instagram.
Ecco il risultato di alcuni dei nostri lavori:
marți, 15 mai 2018
Presentazione e diffusione progetto Erasmus +
Ciao ragazzi,
se vi scrivo è per parlarvi di un'esperienza alla quale ho partecipato di recente. Ho aderito per la prima volta ad un progetto Erasmus +. Il titolo del progetto è stato “Getting to know each other” ed ha coinvolto giovani di diverse nazioni quali Romania (paese ospitante), Turchia, Grecia, Polonia, Spagna e Italia. Il progetto si è svolto dal 25 Aprile al 5 Maggio grazie all'associazione Initiate Sociale nella città di Horezu. Attraverso l'arte degli origami quale metodo di educazione non formale abbiamo speso assieme un paio di settimane con il fine di conoscerci meglio all'interno della comunità europea, scoprendo così anche le tradizioni e alle volte i problemi che caratterizzano le diverse nazioni. Altre coinvolgenti attività ci hanno permesso di costruire legami all'interno del gruppo, arrivando così a conoscerci al meglio.
Tramite l'organizzazione Scambi Europei siamo venuti a conoscenza di questo progetto e la stessa ci ha fornito le indicazioni principali per organizzare al meglio il viaggio e ha chiarito tempestivamente gli eventuali dubbi.
Erasmus + è il programma europeo per la formazione, l'eduzione, la gioventù e lo sport.
Erasmus+ si inserisce in un contesto socio-economico che vede, da una parte, quasi 6 milioni di giovani europei disoccupati, con livelli che in alcuni paesi superano il 50%. Allo stesso tempo si registrano oltre 2 milioni di posti di lavoro vacanti e un terzo dei datori di lavoro segnala difficoltà ad assumere personale con le qualifiche richieste. Ciò dimostra il sussistere di importanti deficit di competenze in Europa.
Erasmus+ è pensato per dare risposte concrete a queste problematiche, attraverso opportunità di studio, formazione, di esperienze lavorative o di volontariato all’estero. La qualità e la pertinenza delle organizzazioni e dei sistemi europei d’istruzione, formazione e assistenza ai giovani saranno incrementate attraverso il sostegno al miglioramento dei metodi di insegnamento e apprendimento, a nuovi programmi e allo sviluppo professionale del personale docente e degli animatori giovanili, e attraverso una maggiore cooperazione tra il mondo dell’istruzione e della formazione e il mondo del lavoro per affrontare le reali necessità in termini di sviluppo del capitale umano e sociale, in Europa e altrove. Il bilancio di 14,7 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020 rappresenta un aumento del 40% rispetto alla programmazione precedente. Finanziamenti addizionali riguardano la mobilità nel campo dell’istruzione superiore e per la costituzione di capacità con il coinvolgimento di paesi terzi.
Se volete avere più informazioni al riguardo sono a vostra disposizione!
A presto,
Giulia from Italy
Ciao ragazzi,
se vi scrivo è per parlarvi di un'esperienza alla quale ho partecipato di recente. Ho aderito per la prima volta ad un progetto Erasmus +. Il titolo del progetto è stato “Getting to know each other” ed ha coinvolto giovani di diverse nazioni quali Romania (paese ospitante), Turchia, Grecia, Polonia, Spagna e Italia. Il progetto si è svolto dal 25 Aprile al 5 Maggio grazie all'associazione Initiate Sociale nella città di Horezu. Attraverso l'arte degli origami quale metodo di educazione non formale abbiamo speso assieme un paio di settimane con il fine di conoscerci meglio all'interno della comunità europea, scoprendo così anche le tradizioni e alle volte i problemi che caratterizzano le diverse nazioni. Altre coinvolgenti attività ci hanno permesso di costruire legami all'interno del gruppo, arrivando così a conoscerci al meglio.
Tramite l'organizzazione Scambi Europei siamo venuti a conoscenza di questo progetto e la stessa ci ha fornito le indicazioni principali per organizzare al meglio il viaggio e ha chiarito tempestivamente gli eventuali dubbi.
Erasmus + è il programma europeo per la formazione, l'eduzione, la gioventù e lo sport.
Erasmus+ si inserisce in un contesto socio-economico che vede, da una parte, quasi 6 milioni di giovani europei disoccupati, con livelli che in alcuni paesi superano il 50%. Allo stesso tempo si registrano oltre 2 milioni di posti di lavoro vacanti e un terzo dei datori di lavoro segnala difficoltà ad assumere personale con le qualifiche richieste. Ciò dimostra il sussistere di importanti deficit di competenze in Europa.
Erasmus+ è pensato per dare risposte concrete a queste problematiche, attraverso opportunità di studio, formazione, di esperienze lavorative o di volontariato all’estero. La qualità e la pertinenza delle organizzazioni e dei sistemi europei d’istruzione, formazione e assistenza ai giovani saranno incrementate attraverso il sostegno al miglioramento dei metodi di insegnamento e apprendimento, a nuovi programmi e allo sviluppo professionale del personale docente e degli animatori giovanili, e attraverso una maggiore cooperazione tra il mondo dell’istruzione e della formazione e il mondo del lavoro per affrontare le reali necessità in termini di sviluppo del capitale umano e sociale, in Europa e altrove. Il bilancio di 14,7 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020 rappresenta un aumento del 40% rispetto alla programmazione precedente. Finanziamenti addizionali riguardano la mobilità nel campo dell’istruzione superiore e per la costituzione di capacità con il coinvolgimento di paesi terzi.
Se volete avere più informazioni al riguardo sono a vostra disposizione!
A presto,
Giulia from Italy
joi, 10 mai 2018
What an Youth Exchange is?!
[ES] Si quieres salir de la rutina, si quieres conocer otras culturas, si quieres conocer nuevos países, ciudades, pueblos, paisajes..
Si quieres conocer gente nueva de países y culturas muy diferentes a las tuyas y pasar unos dias llenos de vivencias inolvidables..
Si, en definitiva, quieres vivir una nueva e increíble experiencia, entonces esto es para ti.
Su nombre es Youth Exchange y está al alcance de cualquiera, el único requisito es tener una actitud abierta y tolerante e ir con muchas ganas de participar y pasarlo bien.
Seguramente tengas algo de miedo al principio, pero te aseguro que después de tu 1er proyecto querrás hacer muchos mas.
Tomalo como una gran oportunidad para salir de tu zona de confort y crecer como persona.
Be brave and don't fear.
If you want to get out of the routine, if you want to know other cultures, if you want to know new countries, cities, towns, landscapes ..
If you want to meet new people from countries and cultures very different from yours and spend a few days full of unforgettable experiences ..
If, in short, you want to live an incredible new experience, then this is for you.
It name is Youth Exchange and is available to anyone, the only requirement is to have an open and tolerant attitude and go with a strong desire to participate and have fun.
Surely you have some fear at first, but I assure you that after your 1st project you will want to do many more.
Take it as a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and grow as a person.
Be brave and do not fear.
[- written by Leticia from Spain]
Si quieres conocer gente nueva de países y culturas muy diferentes a las tuyas y pasar unos dias llenos de vivencias inolvidables..
Si, en definitiva, quieres vivir una nueva e increíble experiencia, entonces esto es para ti.
Su nombre es Youth Exchange y está al alcance de cualquiera, el único requisito es tener una actitud abierta y tolerante e ir con muchas ganas de participar y pasarlo bien.
Seguramente tengas algo de miedo al principio, pero te aseguro que después de tu 1er proyecto querrás hacer muchos mas.
Tomalo como una gran oportunidad para salir de tu zona de confort y crecer como persona.
Be brave and don't fear.
If you want to get out of the routine, if you want to know other cultures, if you want to know new countries, cities, towns, landscapes ..
If you want to meet new people from countries and cultures very different from yours and spend a few days full of unforgettable experiences ..
If, in short, you want to live an incredible new experience, then this is for you.
It name is Youth Exchange and is available to anyone, the only requirement is to have an open and tolerant attitude and go with a strong desire to participate and have fun.
Surely you have some fear at first, but I assure you that after your 1st project you will want to do many more.
Take it as a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and grow as a person.
Be brave and do not fear.
[- written by Leticia from Spain]
miercuri, 9 mai 2018
Getting To Know Each Other
We are happy to present an amazing youth exchange “Getting To Know Each Other” funded by Erasmus+ program, that the members of Europejska Fundacja Edukacyjo-Sportowa took part between 25.05-05.05.2018.
We travelled to Horezu – a small town in Romania, which is famous for the pottery that is handmade by the local artists. The participants of the exchange came from 6 different countries – Romania, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Spain and Greece.
The topic of the project – culture – was combined with the origami technique, which was a challenge for everyone in the beginning and a pleasure in the end, when we’ve finally mastered the skills of working with the paper. Our great facilitators started this youth exchange with the ice breakers, so we could get to know each other, then the team building activities followed. We had a “Paper Clip Challenge” which was combined with the city rally, so the participants got to know this cozy Horezu town as well as work together to communicate with the local people using body language (Romanian language was not allowed!) and to collect as many things as we can starting with a single paper clip. Everyone was surprised by the hospitality of the local people! The following days let us learn more and more about each other and our cultures. We started with the Romanian origami – Dracula bookmark, then the other symbols followed – the Italians taught us how to make a gondola, the Turkish presented the national flower tulip and a funny symbol – a Turkish turkey, Spain showed us how to make a traditional dress and a bull, Greece choose to teach us how to make a ship and told us the stories about their mythology and why the ship is so important to this country. Meanwhile we – the Polish team – taught everyone how to make an eagle – our national symbol which is in the emblem of Poland as well as an old Polish car – Polonez.
During the evenings we had the national presentations with the songs, dances, quizzes as well as traditional foods and drinks. The Romanians made not one but even two surprises – they invited the local folklore ensemble to sing and dance for us (this was a part of the Romanian night) and a Eurovision song contest where we worked in international teams and presented our versions of such popular songs as “Hit Me Baby One More Time” or “What does the Fox Say”. It taught us how to spread our creativity and overcome our boundaries.
The participants also had a chance to see more of Romania – we visited a historical town Sibiu, we spent half of the day there, visited an art gallery as well as got to know the local architecture which is unique and eye-catching. During one of the days we visiting a local pottery workshop where a lady showed us how to make traditional ceramic. After a short presentation we all had a chance to make our own bowls, mugs or unidentified objects.
We had a great time, we met amazing people and learned a lot! Looking forward for our future actions together – thank you!
[- written by Polish team]
We travelled to Horezu – a small town in Romania, which is famous for the pottery that is handmade by the local artists. The participants of the exchange came from 6 different countries – Romania, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Spain and Greece.
The topic of the project – culture – was combined with the origami technique, which was a challenge for everyone in the beginning and a pleasure in the end, when we’ve finally mastered the skills of working with the paper. Our great facilitators started this youth exchange with the ice breakers, so we could get to know each other, then the team building activities followed. We had a “Paper Clip Challenge” which was combined with the city rally, so the participants got to know this cozy Horezu town as well as work together to communicate with the local people using body language (Romanian language was not allowed!) and to collect as many things as we can starting with a single paper clip. Everyone was surprised by the hospitality of the local people! The following days let us learn more and more about each other and our cultures. We started with the Romanian origami – Dracula bookmark, then the other symbols followed – the Italians taught us how to make a gondola, the Turkish presented the national flower tulip and a funny symbol – a Turkish turkey, Spain showed us how to make a traditional dress and a bull, Greece choose to teach us how to make a ship and told us the stories about their mythology and why the ship is so important to this country. Meanwhile we – the Polish team – taught everyone how to make an eagle – our national symbol which is in the emblem of Poland as well as an old Polish car – Polonez.
During the evenings we had the national presentations with the songs, dances, quizzes as well as traditional foods and drinks. The Romanians made not one but even two surprises – they invited the local folklore ensemble to sing and dance for us (this was a part of the Romanian night) and a Eurovision song contest where we worked in international teams and presented our versions of such popular songs as “Hit Me Baby One More Time” or “What does the Fox Say”. It taught us how to spread our creativity and overcome our boundaries.
The participants also had a chance to see more of Romania – we visited a historical town Sibiu, we spent half of the day there, visited an art gallery as well as got to know the local architecture which is unique and eye-catching. During one of the days we visiting a local pottery workshop where a lady showed us how to make traditional ceramic. After a short presentation we all had a chance to make our own bowls, mugs or unidentified objects.
We had a great time, we met amazing people and learned a lot! Looking forward for our future actions together – thank you!
[- written by Polish team]
vineri, 4 mai 2018
Daily Schedule: 9th Day
Last evening was reserved for the Turkish intercultural evening.
Description: Presenting the culture and tradition of Turkey, with the intention of fighting the racism, prejudices and other attitudes that can generate exclusion.
Method: Video presentations, interactive games, traditional dances.
The Turkish participants developed their oragnizational abilities, while the others found out new information about Turkey.
Description: Presenting the culture and tradition of Turkey, with the intention of fighting the racism, prejudices and other attitudes that can generate exclusion.
Method: Video presentations, interactive games, traditional dances.
The Turkish participants developed their oragnizational abilities, while the others found out new information about Turkey.
9th Day - Erasmus + Project
Preparation of the dissemination plan
Aim: Creating a dissemination strategy of the project
Method: At the beggining of the session, the participants were grouped in national teams in order to create a dissemination plan, being aware they need to follow the plan when they will arrive home. Among the types of dissemination they chose to publish pictures and videos on the partner asociation social accounts, but also the private ones of the participants, organizing workshops in highschools or other youth organizations, writing articles that will be shared on the blog of the project but also through e-mail. In the second part, every national team presented their dissemination plan.
Outcomes: Developing the planning skills of a comunication campaign, public speaking.
Final evaluation
Aim: Evaluation, systematization and the summative assessement of the sessions of the youth exchange
Method: The final evaluation was done through non-formal method: participants had to express their opinion about the youth exchange through 2 symbols: a garbage can representing the things they liked less and a bagpack for the ones they liked most.
Outcomes: Developing the capacity of evaluation and selfevaluation, but also the ones regarding public speaking
Youthpass Ceremony
Aim: Recognition of competences acquired through this exchange.
Description: Youthpass certificates will be distributed as an interactive / flash-back game on the entire mobility, namely.
[- written by Oana & Stefi from Romania]
joi, 3 mai 2018
Daily Schedule: 8th Day
Last evening the Greek evening took place. It was completely different from all evenings. It started on the terrace, from where the Greek team greeted us at the entrance as guests in their home. Then they presented us the Greek poem Itaka and for a while we also could be actors.
Then we were all invited to a table where Greek traditional meals were served, and the best was a Greek salad. The atmosphere of the whole evening was very family-friendly.
Each of the national teams had a moment to present their version of the dance to the national Greek music.
The day began with games invented by the Turkish group - "and stop" and "pacmak yakalama".
Today, we were preparing an origami exhibition for the city's residents. This task in national groups has made us develop our creativity. We choosed a place and started preparing our own corner in order to exhibit the origami handicrafts. For example, the Italians created a Venice background for the origami representing the gondolas, the Spanish created a flamenco dress from paper and the visitors took photos wearing it. The participants from Poland created a scale model of a city and the Romanians did a castle paper folding. The Greek team did an imitation of an ocean and the Turkish a nest.
A lot of people appeared at the exhibition (check it here!), including children from school. All teams showed the participants of the exhibition how to make origami and we had fun together.
This was not an ordinary exhibition, because in this way we also showed our countries, culture and promoted the ERASMUS + program.
Then we were all invited to a table where Greek traditional meals were served, and the best was a Greek salad. The atmosphere of the whole evening was very family-friendly.
Each of the national teams had a moment to present their version of the dance to the national Greek music.
The day began with games invented by the Turkish group - "and stop" and "pacmak yakalama".
Today, we were preparing an origami exhibition for the city's residents. This task in national groups has made us develop our creativity. We choosed a place and started preparing our own corner in order to exhibit the origami handicrafts. For example, the Italians created a Venice background for the origami representing the gondolas, the Spanish created a flamenco dress from paper and the visitors took photos wearing it. The participants from Poland created a scale model of a city and the Romanians did a castle paper folding. The Greek team did an imitation of an ocean and the Turkish a nest.
A lot of people appeared at the exhibition (check it here!), including children from school. All teams showed the participants of the exhibition how to make origami and we had fun together.
This was not an ordinary exhibition, because in this way we also showed our countries, culture and promoted the ERASMUS + program.
[- written by Lexxy from Romania]
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